Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Saying goodbye to Kudzu

I received the sad news that Kudzu Book Traders in Atlanta is closing at the end of March. I have been a Kudzu customer for at least 7 years and I will miss their presence in the remainder world.

Estelle Davis and her staff helped me create and maintain a highly diverse inventory. I loved browsing the cases they set up at BEA every year, and shopping easily on their website.

I have treated remainders as if they were fresh from the printing press, and I try to display the books as a little store within a big store, with subject breakouts, and themed designs. And Kudzu always treated me as a welcome friend, with professionalism, ease of ordering, and prompt delivery.

The book market has morphed into a different animal since I began in '95. It is sometimes difficult to move on to the next chapter when the current one is so good.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The good word from the book of Blasphemy

I just finished Douglas Preston's Blasphemy and I have to say that I am the power of a smart thriller. I read an advance copy of this book in knowing only that Preston wrote it and that it involved physics and the possibility of talking to God.

The story centers around an uber-machine created to study the Big Bang theory by a small team of lab rat geek nerds so involved in their work, and so vulnerable to their own regrets, that they are prime to believe that God is talking to them through their machine. The science presented is simple enough to understand and it kept the flow moving, yet difficult enough to make it impossible to build one of these machines in your garage.

What is bold about this exercise in thrillerdom is that Preston has brought science and religion together. The outside world from this project is quick to raise the red flag of blasphemy as word of the researchers intent is leaked. Pastors are irked, disciples rallied and panic ingredients for a great ending.

Hopefully this book will generate discussion, controversy, protests, armageddon, and new fans.