Thursday, February 14, 2008

King is still my king

Through the shrill thrill screaming of booksellers at The Rock Bottom Remainders concert last year at BEA, a recognizable figure steps to the microphone to sing us a tale about werewolves in London. This Warren Zevon hit is blasted out by my king of writing-Stephen King. This is the first time I have seen him in person, not with a pen in hand, just a Red Sox t-shirt and a voice behind the speakers.

I first delved into King with his collection of short stories in Night Shift. In those tales he got to the meat of the story and characters and took you along on a quick ride of terror. As I have read him over the years, and have been numbed by his pathos, I have come to discover that the man is an enigma of talent. You don't know why you tremble, why you shake, why you look under the bed as you read. If you really look at the characters, the real brilliance of writing, you realize they are you, your family, your friends, your world.

Stephen King is steeped in the culture of today. If you have read any of the essays in his column in Entertainment Weekly you have witnessed his acumen with what has been going on and what is going on. He knows what kids are listening to today because he is downloading the tunes as well. The man is hip to the jive, the downlow, the in and the out.

After traversing the landscape of New England intrique Stephen King has now headed south to Florida for his latest novel-Duma Key. I am looking forward to devouring this tale that has been touted as "vintage King". On this Valentine's Day I close this love letter with the appeal that any reader who has not yet given Stephen King a try to please do so. He knows how to scare, how to write, and how to share that with you.

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