Friday, December 14, 2007

Backlist baby

I love the backlist...especially during the holidays. Recommending new titles is always fun, but the challenge and true joy comes when I tell a customer about previous titles that an author has written.

I had a customer interested in new books of the Civil War. After highlighting the recent releases I told her about Tony Horwitz's Confederates in the Attic. Intrigued she bought a copy.

After discovering that our store had not sold any copies of William Manchester's brilliant A World Lit Only by Fire in three years I promptly ordered more stock. We have now sold 17 copies since April. Not bad for a book that came out in 1993.

Last holiday, I pulled 30 titles from Nancy Pearl's Book Lust recommendations, ordered 3 copies of each book and displayed them near our book information counter. We sold at least one copy out of the 30 titles, and over 80 books for the total.

Testimony to the power of what was once written still has selling power today.

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