Friday, December 28, 2007

"No Country" best for the Coen's

I just saw the Coen brothers adaptation of Cormac McCarthy's No Country For Old Men and I even liked the ending...unlike the audience around me that did not.


The ending could not have been more perfect for the Coen's and for McCarthy. We want closure, we want the bad guy to be brought to justice and for the protagonist to triumph...and when we don't you get an audience of "That's it?" This ending was true to the book and true to the characters. This is an ending that should scare you more than frustrate you. The killer is still out there. This was only part of a bigger story that may or may not be told, or need to be told. We already know the outcome.

When Hollywood is churning out remake after remake and sequel after sequel, isn't it nice to have a movie presented that wants you to have to think about it well after the credits have rolled?

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