Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Embrace the ignorance

It's okay to admit that we are ignorant about certain things, whether they are areas of history, science or human nature. Now there is a book out that allows us to embrace our ignorance, and to be properly educated in the process. Harmony Books, an imprint of Crown Publishing, a division of Random House, three-quarters of the book belly, has just released The Book of General Ignorance:Everything You Think You Know Is Wrong by John Lloyd and John Mitchinson.

This is the perfect hoilday, birthday, and fare-thee-well book for anyone who thinks they know everything, or nothing, about anything.

Questions presented are from the various left fields of history, science, politcs, literature, and food. Do marmots kill people? (Yes, they cough them to death.) What Edison invention do English speakers use every day? (The word "hello".) What was the first invention to break the sound barrier? (The whip.) What's three times as dangerous as war? (Work.) These questions and many others are just waiting to be explored.

Read it all at once, read one question at various intervals, learn something new every day.

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